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I adhere to Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 (SA), Grace Counselling and Education's Child Safe Environments Policy and Procedures,  as well as the Code of Conduct and Codes of Ethics of the:


- Australian Counselling Association

- Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia

- National Health Care Workers


- Grace Counselling and Education


Any complaints made be made to the abovementioned organisations or with the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (HCSS)


I have the following up to date checks and training:


- Working With Children Check

- National Criminal Check

- Provide First Aid in an Education and Care training.

- Child Safe Environments "Through their Eyes" training

- Youth Mental Health First Aid training (Educators SA/Mental Health First Aid Training)

- ASIST - Suicide Prevention training (LivingWorks)



Before engaging in counselling I will need to gain consent.  

If your child is under the age of 16 I will ask you as parents/guardians to sign a consent form on behalf of your child.


If you or your young person is over the age of 16 you/they are considered a 'mature minor' and can sign the agreement independently. I will discuss this with you during the intake process. 


Privacy and Confidentiality​

Grace Counselling and Education is committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles 2014 and the privacy provisions of all applicable legislation. Please ask to see Grace Counselling and Education's Privacy Policy, as well as the Child Safe Environments Policy.


Every effort is made to ensure that what is discussed in counselling sessions remains confidential.  


However, Section 31 of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 (‘the Act’) states that various types of persons—teachers, social workers, prescribed health practitioners, police officers and other persons mentioned in Section 30 of the Act—must report that a child is, or may be, at risk if they have reasonable grounds to suspect this, and if they formed this suspicion during the course of their employment. These persons have an obligation to report their suspicion. In this guide, they are referred to as mandatory reporters. The report should be made to the Child Abuse Report Line (CARL). The identity of any person making a report to the Department for Child Protection (‘the Department’) via CARL is protected by the Act .


If you are aged 16 an over in South Australia, you have automatic confidentiality rights. If you are under the age of 16 your counselling sessions are confidential except for the reasons outlined below and in the statement above . As a parent/guardian may also ask for updates or information, and ideally this would be discussed with your child or young person's knowledge. This is so that you can provide the best support for them.


A report will be made if: 


1.  there is concern of any danger of you harming yourself or another person or you are being harmed by another person.

2.  we are required by law to release information.

3.  you are doing anything that is against the law.

4.  you are under 18 years of age and disclose any sexual abuse to which you have been subjected.

 Grace Counselling and Education​

we seek to understand your story and journey with you...​

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